Current Projects

Michel & Mariela, Fernanda & Miguel

Nogales Projects - Vida Nueva and Comunidad Vida

Nogales, Sonora, Mexico is a border town directly across the line from Nogales, Arizona. Its streets and sidewalks are busy and its many shops attest to entrepreneurial opportunity.

To those who call Nogales, Sonora home, there is the warmth of family…but people also demonstrate a great of lack of trust, resulting in many broken family and personal relationships.

Two young men who love Jesus Christ and love their neighbors have a vision for easing distrust and relational pain that marks daily life in Nogales, as it does in many places around the world.
Michel Fuentes and Miguel Jordan, both trained ministers, are helping their neighbors recover trust and find comfort, hope and peace in Jesus Christ.

Through their vision, Michel and Mariela Fuentes have already formed  at least seven  home groups that meet weekly to study the Bible and create friendships with one another and with Jesus. In addition, the groups meet on a regular basis to encourage relationships and growth in Christ. Their home is a House Peace (Casa de Paz). Currently El Puente Norte is assisting them to enlarge their home to have more room to train leaders and model a house church. If you would like to assist with this cost you can donate or send a tax deductible check to: El Puente Norte, 281 Camino la Pasida, Rio Rico, AZ 85648. update: Michel Fuentes 12-13-23 donde estamos English

On the other side of town. Miguel Jordan is planting Comunidad Vida. They currently have five groups meeting in homes and meet together each Sundy in rented facilities. They  envision starting a coffee house where anyone and everyone can enjoy a refreshing beverage and a pastry—a place where those who don’t follow Jesus can mingle with those who do. Please pray for this effort. If you are interested you can donate for this effort as well.

Michel & Miguel are passionate about Jesus Christ and they want their community to know Him as they do. They want their neighbors to forget brokenness and find new relationship with Jesus and with fellow believers.

And they need your help.

Felipe & Eva

Toluca Project - Piedras Vivas

Living Stones, Piedras Vivas , is a church that was planted in the north of the city of Toluca ten years ago by the Vázquez family. Toluca has 2,000,000 inhabitants and is located 1.5 hours west of Mexico City, in a neighborhood called Los Sauces which has an approximate population of 35,000 people. Living Stones is currently the only Evangelical Christian church in this neighborhood. As a body of believers, we are focused on “being mature disciples to make mature disciples.”

Our 5505 Strategy
We are here to serve a society that faces many pressing problems—family disintegration, drug addiction, premature pregnancies—to which we have responded by presenting the gospel in various forms. We have called the first phase of our strategy to reach this colony 5505. Simply put, our vision is to share the gospel one by one with 5000 people, praying that the Lord will give us 500 disciples in five years. To this point, God has honored our efforts and in the past year we have seen significant growth, both spiritual and numerical.

Our Challenge
Reaching 5000 people with the gospel and addressing the problems of this colony requires great effort. For the past few years we have met in rented spaces that have been small and uncomfortable. At this point in the life of the church we need to have an important tool to achieve our goal, our own place. Initially we were looking for a place that is approximately 1,000 square feet. We felt that was economically feasible for us. However, we found a piece of property that is a little over 3,000 square feet and we have accepted the challenge of purchasing this lot by faith.

Our Great Desire

We believe that this piece of land, and the building we will build on it, will allow us to praise God and disciple people more efficiently.  Our desire is for the Living Stones Church to become known as a place where people can find answers to their problems through of the gospel, a space where they can grow to maturity and reproduce spiritually to reach others. We ask for your prayers so that the Ministry of Living Stones can impact Toluca.

Felipe Vazquez
Co-Pastor of the Living Stones Church